發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2013-03-17 | 周星馳X6 | (1116) | (2) |
2011-08-31 | Farewell, Winters | (149) | (1) |
2011-05-14 | 轉眼五年的SPN | (317) | (0) |
2011-04-26 | 大阪(2/19-2/21) | (233) | (0) |
2011-02-24 | 大阪 (2/18) | (416) | (1) |
2011-02-24 | 初來大阪 (2/17) | (155) | (0) |
2011-01-30 | Kent | (229) | (2) |
2010-12-19 | The Coral-Butterfly House & Bill Ryder-Jones | (296) | (5) |
2010-12-12 | 七龍珠—法國漫迷續作 | (855) | (0) |
2010-11-12 | The seventh year of you, Jonathan Brandis | (417) | (0) |
2010-10-28 | Modern Family | (928) | (1) |
2010-10-08 | 千年 | (47) | (0) |
2010-09-13 | 巷戰 | (94) | (2) |
2010-09-05 | The Hurt Locker(危機倒數) | (198) | (1) |
2010-08-31 | In The End of Auguest | (63) | (0) |
2010-08-28 | 走走停停,古奇峰 | (70) | (0) |
2010-08-24 | Ken Band(Yokoyama Ken) | (157) | (0) |
2010-08-21 | BloggerAds收益 | (108) | (0) |
2010-08-19 | Highschool Aurabuster | (91) | (0) |
2010-08-14 | 刺蝟的優雅(Le hérisson) | (173) | (0) |
2010-08-03 | 越聽越醇-柴田淳 | (798) | (0) |
2010-06-05 | 12 Angry Men (12怒漢) | (328) | (2) |
2010-04-14 | 道標 | (73) | (0) |
2010-02-12 | The Magnet(1950) | (92) | (0) |
2010-02-06 | 那些美麗的東西 | (174) | (0) |
2010-01-22 | 紅 | (63) | (1) |
2010-01-13 | 《十萬伙集》部落格串連 - 為旗山2百受虐犬募救命飼料 | (54) | (0) |
2010-01-06 | 一些瑣碎的話 | (59) | (0) |
2009-11-28 | Remioromen | (954) | (3) |
2009-10-11 | 在世界轉角遇見愛The world is big and salvation lurks around the corner | (225) | (0) |
2009-09-28 | Mew-Repeaterbeater | (245) | (0) |
2009-09-17 | The Festival Band - Backgammon Dice | (322) | (0) |
2009-09-05 | 日劇 ×3 | (493) | (0) |
2009-09-03 |
![]() |
(3) | (0) |
2009-08-25 | 人生必看,Hot Fuzz(終棘警探)+ Shuan of the Dead(活人甡吃) | (989) | (2) |
2009-08-25 | 8/11 兩國(江戶東京博物館+舊安田庭園+橫綱公園) | (1214) | (0) |
2009-08-21 | 8/10 淺草+銀座+東京鐵塔 | (433) | (0) |
2009-08-20 | 8/9 明治神宮+吉祥寺+吉卜力美術館 | (476) | (0) |
2009-08-17 | 鶯谷阿嬤民宿 | (1750) | (1) |
2009-08-16 | 2009 8/7+8/8, Summer Sonic | (251) | (1) |
2009-08-15 | ヒカルの碁(棋靈王/棋魂) | (9659) | (7) |
2009-08-15 | 8/5 Mew 台灣演唱會 | (210) | (1) |
2009-08-02 | 華爾奇麗雅(Valkyrie) | (1284) | (0) |
2009-07-29 | 頭號公敵(Public Enemies) | (228) | (0) |
2009-07-25 | 天國之鑰(The Keys of the Kingdom) | (576) | (1) |
2009-07-20 | Starsailor | (1417) | (1) |
2009-07-17 | Christian Bale ×10 | (1399) | (1) |
2009-07-13 | 夏日MRE新吃法+JF's autograph | (116) | (0) |
2009-07-10 | 頂尖對決(The Prestige) | (784) | (0) |
2009-07-07 | 美國殺人魔(American Psycho) | (7258) | (0) |